
Frequently asked questions on industrial property rights

The information provided below is of general nature and not a legally binding advice. In order to obtain legally binding advice, one should contact a patent attorney or attorney at law. e-IPconsult tries to provide information of high quality. However, e-IPconsult cannot guarantee the correctness and completeness of the provided information. Furthermore, e-IPconsult is not responsible for damages caused by the provided information.

What is meant by „industrial property rights“?

What is a patent or utility model?

What can be protected by patents and utility models?

Can software be protected by a patent or a utility model?

What are the benefits of a patent or utility model?

How do patents differ from utility models?

What is a trademark?

Why trademark protection?

What is the benefit of trademark protection?

How is trademark protection created?

Why registering a trademark?

When is a trade mark registered in the trade mark register?

What is a design (registered design)?

How to obtain design protection?

Under what conditions can a design product be protected by a design?

How do I know whether my design product meets the requirements for design protection?

What is a patent attorney?

What does a patent attorney do?

How to become a patent attorney?